We didn't feel up to too long…
of a ride so we trailer'd to the Upper GB trailhead near "First Rock" and rode leisurely down the trail.
Not having visited it in some time, the site gave us a bit of a suprise. Some bird had built its nest on a ledge directly above the ancient petroglyphs and had "shat" all down its face.
[I previously posted about the "Sierra Club Dilemma" and the discussion I had with the folks who were sitting in "lounge chairs" below the cliffs: Sierra Club Dilemma]
On the opposite side of the rock from the glyphs, we took a better look at the "autographs" which people have put there for many years. This is one of the favorite, hand-wringing, "Oh, my G$!… look at how terrible the ATVer's are" photos that the "fiends" of Gold Butte drag out in talks about closing down the trails.
In actuality, many of the "autographs" were there before most fiends were born and definitely from a day where such "rock writing" was seen in a much more favorable light than it is today. The latest entry we could find was from six years ago and has already started to patina over.
Falling Man was next and after the "suprise" at First Rock we decided to hike up the trail to see if they were still ok. Except for the "re-decoration" of the trail, they were.
Of course, as we always do since they put up the expensive post and cable bumper guard, we slowed and looked thoroughly for the illustrious "Bear Poppies" they are protecting; but, also like always, no sign of 'em yet!
From the new 21 Goats parking corral we hiked up to the road to the cistern. I've mentioned before that the college kids contracting all the blockaids put this one in the wrong place! It's actually supposed to be up at the turnoff to the cistern.
The hike around the cistern full of water was really beautiful but just about did dad in. Luckily, full of water it was a good place to sit and rest a spell. Someone had built a small dam of sorts at the outlet, which substantially increased the already large body of (potential) water. No wonder Early American's drew so many "water" symbols in the petroglyphs.
Rested we hiked the rest of the way up to the petroglyphs. They were just as how we remembered them and this time the goats which were heavily "pecked" (the "something on it" or "wet" symbol) really stood out.
You know you're getting old when all the names in your black book have M. D. after them.”I walked a bit further down the "DD5" trail to see if I could locate a few more glyphs which were supposed to be down there. I didn't see them, although I didn't feel too much like hiking up the hill side, so if anyone has a waypoint I'd appreciate you sharing.
After returning to the rigs we rode around Black Butte to the new parking corral for Khota Circus and had a late lunch. The hiking pretty much did us in so we called it an early day.
Any day on "the Butte" is worth it.
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