series of books by Peter Massey and others, so I was able to update all the trail descriptions. [For a free Google Earth file of this route see: California Trails Master Map]
While the project began as sort of an obsessive-compulsive effort… to clear up some inconsistencies and incompleteness in the map descriptions, there are a lot of trails which bring back memories of a younger me. Especially from the book California Trails: North Coast Region
I lived for several years in Northern California and either drove by, or hiked by many of these areas mostly without even knowing that they were there. You see, I didn't catch the vision of ATV offroading until relatively late in life.
The redwood forests, the north California coast line, the lakes and small logging and mining towns were all favorite destinations during my time in the state. For many years my garage contained many slabs of redwood burl which I purchased on my trips. They ended up as burnished clocks in Explorer Scout projects.
I know that I've told you several times to turn on the Panoramio layer when you open these map files in Google Earth; but, if you never have before you NEED to do it this time. Open the file in Google Earth, open the "North Coast" area on the map and navigate to nearly any of the trails.Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”
Get in close and you will see hundreds of photographs taken all along the trails — it's almost like being there.
Seeing these trails almost makes me want to go back there to live — if I could take my ATV.
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