The High Sierra Region has some really great trails and all fifty of them have new full descriptions, as well as three complete NEW trails. Nearly all of the trails have views such as in the photo of "Half Dome" which you undoubtedly recognize.
Descriptions include not only… the scenic and difficulty ratings for each trail; but, directions to both the starting and ending place, lists of notable things to see, when they are open, time and distance traveled, where the trail submission came from and what "governing authority" produces the map for the trail.
The California Trails Master Map is available at the Offroading Home Web Site for free! They can open automatically in Google Earth (which you must have already installed) where you can virtually take any of the trails "virtually."nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people.”
Remember to turn on the "Panoramio" layer in "Earth" and you will see hundreds of tiny blue squares which represent a photo of the place which you can view.
Now, the only remaining California region is the "North Coast" which I am working on even as we speak! If you think of it, drop a line if you take one of the rides and let me know what you find – especially if anything has changed. I'll give you credit for the update if you wish.
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If you would like to purchase the California Trails High Sierra Region
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