It now includes "network links" to the team's current position so that a mere "refresh" to the map will load the new locations instead of needing to download the whole file again. Additionally, entire new folders have been added to include labels and locations of all Antarctic glaciers and mountain peaks as well as labels and links to trails and waypoints of previous expeditions on the continent.
Currently (Wed 10/24 AM) Ben and Tarka are sleeping after having arrived at McMurdo station on the Ross Ice Shelf in the wee hours of the morning. They are still about 32 kilometers from the Scott Hut, their "official" starting point on the expedition.
Recommended Reading: South Pole: 900 Miles on Foot by Gareth Wood and Eric Jamieson. It recounts a similar journey to follow Scott's epic exploration by Roger Mear, Robert Swan and Canadian Gareth Wood.
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