After more days inside out of the rain than snowbirds are entitled to endure we decided that it was even… worth putting on our coats in order to get out on the trails. Actually, the snow is a great and welcome relief to the people of Mesquite who have learned how to manage the snow correctly — it falls (mostly) on the mountains!

Even for the umpteenth time the ride up the canyon was great fun. Only the last quarter mile on both sides of the summit was snow packed, turning to slush. Parashant looked grand, as ever.

The desert plants were plump and succulent and looked really happy. Did I say, no dust?
If you've been up the Cabin Canyon road you remember the "old growth" Yucca "forest" on one segment of the trail. It they don't bloom this year, they have forgotten how. I'm told that the Yucca wait for a substantial cold snap and a "water" year before they bloom in mass. Perhaps this is the year!After three days men grow weary of a wench, a guest, and rainy weather.”
We had lunch a little way up in the canyon on the cement picnic tables. I'm sure there's a story there, they look like they've been there since the CCC day's. Perhaps they had something to do with the tables and the fitted "3-man" rock wall and steps.
On the way back down a small trail runs up a side canyon for a short side trip up to South Valley. I took the trail up to the "Budweiser Fence," so named for the many… well look at the picture.

What a great ride. ALMOST, worth the days we spent inside looking out at the rain and clouds.
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