And for just as long I've been trying to get the Department Of Transportation (DOT) to cough up their data in a publicly useable format – no joy. I'm not even convinced that I ever reached an official DOT employee. Now, I've found a source for the coordinates and have spent more hours than I thought it would take in producing Google Earth files for all the western states (where most of our available trails are located.
Because each state takes a substantial amount of time to turn into a map, I'll be releasing them one at a time over the next couple weeks as I'm able to put the finishing touches on them. The first is Wyoming. I'm going to tell you that it's because Gordon needs the help getting around – but you'll notice that there aren't a lot of interstates in the file so it was comparably easier to produce.
Free Google Earth File
The free Google Earth file for Wyoming interstate exits is available at:Clicking on any of the several "exit" icons will cause popup to appear with the exit number, latitude, longitude, altitude and description. That should give us ample information to correlate with the trail books which all seem to think that we all know the exits in our heads.
In Wyoming I-80 runs east-west along the southern border of the state. I-25 runs north out of Colorado to Buffalo where it ends at I-90. That runs catty-cornered across the northeast corner of the state from South Dakota into Montana.
How To Use The Files
How I'm going to use them is to click them open in the background as I'm trying to locate trailheads and tracks in books that I'm reading and trying to find a new trail to ride. It's the same thing I do with the USGS features files that I made a year or so ago. With both of them open in the background I can follow a books trail descriptions much more easily.I click and place placemarks for points I need to remember along the way. Then if I decide to take that trail, I create a folder in Google Earth for the trail and drag-and-drop all the waypoints into that folder. I can even hand-draw a tentative track that it looks like I can follow.
Then I do a "save place as" which creates a .kml file with the name on my computer desktop. From there I can use one of several other software programs to change it into the format used by Garmin, Lowrance or other GPS devices. Easy Peasy.
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