Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ride Index: 2009-10 Riding Season: Gold Butte-Mesquite Area

The 2009-10 offroading season being nearly over for the Mesquite - Gold Butte riding areas, it's probably a good time to post an index of the rides, something I've been meaning to do for some time.

As you know, shortly after the season, I begin transfering the season's ride tracks over to the "Master Map" files under more descriptive names in order to make them easier to find.

There are two ways to find an Offroading Home trail: One — Look at the over-all master map with all the trails turned on and see where you would like to go; and, Two — search for your destination using the "search" box on the blog.

The master maps allow…
the "large view" of an area and if you click the boxes to turn on all the trails you can see all the available tracks in the area you would like to visit. From there you can zoom in and see waypoints and names.

blog search does require that you already know at least a name of where you might like to go. However, with this approach you will find a list of every post where your destination is even mentioned in the text of the post. As you know however, not all of the trails in the master maps are featured in a blog post.


Name: Usually the main destination of the track, or possibly the unique approach to the trail like "via Sandhollow Wash" or "Toquop Loop."
Miles and Day: This is the distance (in miles) of the main track and the time you should plan when taking the ride.
Trailhead: The staging area to use when taking the ride.
Rigs: An assessment of which types of rigs will do best on the trail. A = ATV; S = Side by Side; J = Jeep.
Post: An active link to the blog post which describes the ride in depth and where the Google Earth map is available.
Other: A partial list of other destinations or waypoints along the trail.

2009-10 Offroad Ride Index

Mesquite North
3 Corners Loop421Mormon RdA#9Lytle Rnch, Bvr Dam Wsh
3 Corners Loop361Hwy 91A#10Side trip past monument
3 Corners351Mesquite HgtsA#12via Sandhollow Wash
Beaver Dam Wash311Woodbury StdyA#18+ 3 Corners
Davidson Graves483/4Toquop WshA#27Sink Resvr
Lone Mesa Loop391Woodbury StdyA#13Initial Mesa, 3 Corners
Mesquite CityNANACity LoopA#24Cross city connections
NE Flats101/2Mesa BlvdA#6Golf course, airport
Upper Toquop Loop511Toquop WashA#14Hackberry Spng, Half Way Wsh, Petro's, Rock Houses
Whitmore Mine321/2Truck StopS#7Hike to Hackberry Spngs
Bukerville Flats
Canyonlands241/2CanyonlandA#15Pinnacle, Virgin Rvr
Lime Kiln Cyn261/2White RockAS#1Red Pkt Tanks
Lime Kiln Loop321White Rk RdAS#4Cabin Cyn
Lime Kiln323/4Whiterock RdA#19Budweiser Fence
North Vlly (top)221/2Water Twr RdA#2Cabin Cyn
Gold Butte
21 Goats101/2+Upper GBAS#30First Rock, Falling Man, Cistern
Devil's Cove661Whitney JctnAS#21Nada & Snada Mines
Devil's Fire381Whitney JctnAS#17Falling Man Petro
Devil's Fire421Whitney JctnAS#26Kurt's, Narrows,
GB Mine Loop591Whitney JctnAS#5"Nada," Radio Xtal, Treasure Hawk, Azure, GB
GB Mine471Whitney JctnA#11Valatier Ridge, Horse Spng
Kurt's Grotto431Whitney JctnA#16Petro trailheads
Kurt's Grotto411Whitney JctnAS#20Black Wash, Devil's Throat
Lollipops361Whitney JctnAS#25Petro hike, Kurt's, Devil's Fire
Narrows401Whitney JctnAS#22Fisherman's Cove, Bitter Ridge
Nv Mica Mine501Whitney JctnA#8Snowflake, Vermiculite, Bills Spng
Petro Trail123/4Upper GBAS#3Hikes to petro's
Pierson Gap651Whitney JctnA#23Treasure Hawk, Devil's Cove
Tassi Springs741Whitney JctnA#28Grand Wsh Bay
Whitney Area143/4Whitney PktsAS#29Quail Point, Whit Pass
Whitney Area223/4Whitney PktsAS#31Quail Point, Whitney Pass

Trailhead Waypoints

      Name      Latitude    Longitude    Directions
Cabin Canyon36.67584-114.0662Turn right at Whiterock Rd trailhead onto Cabin Canyon Road. Trailhead is 5.6 miles along road.
Canyonland36.69253-114.26031On Gold Butte Road, 3.9 miles from Riverside Road.
Clive's Landing36.59567-114.21162On Gold Butte Road, 14.3 miles from Riverside Road Turnoff.
Flat Top Mesa36.8072-114.139Go west on W. Pioneer Drive 1.15 miles from Falcon Ridge Pkwy and turn Right (north) up hill to 2.31 miles and Water Tank.
Hilltop Mine36.29064-114.18743On Gold Butte Road, 11.94 mi south of Devil's Throat junction.
Horse Spng36.34497-114.14413On Gold Butte Road, 6.98 mi south of Devil's Throat junction
Hwy 9137.01753-113.90898.9 miles north on old highway 91 from the Beaver Dam turnoff of I-15, on right(east) side of road.
Hwy 91 upper37.02654-113.907089.5 miles north on old highway 91 from the Beaver Dam turnoff of I-15, on left(west) side of road.
Lime Kiln Canyon36.67613-114.01135On Whiterock Road, 9.5 miles from Riverside Road
Mesa Blvd36.81928-114.05079East 0.9 miles on Mesa Boulevard from Pioneer Boulevard in Mesquite.
Mesquite Hgts36.87501-114.08664On Mesquite Heights Road (Landfill Rd), 3.86 mi north of Hardy-Turtleback turnoff.
Middle GB Rd36.47962-114.168083.5 miles south of Whitney Junction on Gold Butte Road, a staging area after the cattle guard.
Mormon Wagon Rd37.01042-113.912545.35 miles north on old highway 91 from the Beaver Dam Turnoff of I-15.
Mud Wash36.47525-114.16444On Gold Butte Road, 3.78 miles south from Whitney Junction.
Nickle Creek36.73088-114.21783On Riverside Road, at junction with Gold Butte road.
Riverside Bridge36.788-114.093Go south on Riverside Road from Mesquite Boulevard. Cross bridge and turn left at first road.
Toquop Wsh36.7661-114.191Quick turn to right (north) onto service road from westbound (only) I-15, 5.54 miles west of the southwest off-ramp to Mesquite (150).
Truck Stop36.77927-114.26738Turn to right (north) into truck pull-off/rest-area from westbound (only) I-15, 1.9 miles west of the Riverside Road on-ramp, west of Mesquite Nevada.
Upper GB36.5283-114.159On Gold Butte Road, 19.8 miles from Riverside Road Turnoff
Valatier Rdg36.32588-114.14633On Gold Butte Road, 8.28 mi south of Devil's Throat junction
Water Tower36.76783-114.12566South side of Riverside Road at Water Tower Lane, 2.2 miles from Bridge
White Rock36.7537-114.061On Whiterock Road, 3 miles from Riverside Road
Whitney Jctn36.52298-114.14021On Gold Butte Road, 21.2 miles from Riverside Road Turnoff
Whitney Pkts36.52394-114.13309On Nay Ranch Road, 0.5 miles from Whitney Junction
Woodbury Study37.02647-113.906639.5 miles north on old highway 91 from the Beaver Dam turnoff of I-15, on right(east) side of road.
21 Goats36.50065-114.19617Turn off to east along wash 2.23 miles south from Gold Butte Road along petroglyph trail. Trailhead is 0.35 miles further.
Babe's Butte36.44050-114.214444.4 miles along Mud Wash from Gold Butte Road, turn left into wash then wind right up hill to bluff. Hike trailhead is 0.5 miles along trail from turnoff.
Devil's Fire36.4561091-114.220947.04 miles along Mud Wash from Gold Butte, turn right (north) and keep right another 1.12 miles to the hike trailhead.
Falling Man36.5117-114.1855On Petroglyph Trail 1.92 miles south from Gold Butte road
First Rock36.52216-114.16341Turn off to the east from petroglyph trail, 0.6 miles from Gold Butte road. Trailhead 0.2 mi east.
Khota Circus36.49483-114.202653.79 miles south on Petroglyph Trail from Gold Butte Road.
Kurt's Grotto36.43422-114.224254.4 miles along Mud Wash from Gold Butte Road, turn left into wash then wind right up hill to bluff. Continue on trail looping around the bluff for 1.84 miles to the other side of bluff. Turn left and continue another 1.14 miles to trailhead.
Lollipops36.446-114.20.5 mi. up a dirt trail from Mud Wash. Turn off is 3.73 miles along Mud Wash from Gold Butte Road.
Newspaper Rock36.51032-114.190782.24 miles south on Petroglyph Trial from Gold Butte Road, at wash.
Red Rock Spng36.45890-114.227.04 miles along Mud Wash from Gold Butte Road, turn right into wash. Keep left in wash for 1.1 miles for trailhead.
Whitmore Mine36.89785-114.41783On an unnamed and unmarked dirt trail heading toward Whitmore Mine, 6.18 miles from Powerline Road west of Mesquite on Mormon Mesa.

What do you think? This is a heckuva lot more than dad and I had 5 years ago when we began our search through the Mesquite-Gold Butte riding area. Leave comments about whether or not this is useful to you.

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