Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Interstate Exits: Montana KML File

Montana! Big Sky Country! Yellowstone! The ninth in the series of Google Earth (GE) KML maps I'm making to snazzy up the labels on the interstates in the western part of the country.

Now that I can open this map up in background of GE, I can tell where I'm at when a trail book advises "turn south at exit 27" as they all are want to do these days.

It's been no small feat but this is the ninth in the series of such files and leaves only California and New Mexico left to do.

Montana Interstate

Montana is the head-waters of my favorite interstate: I-15. It begins at the Canadian border and sinks clear down the state into Idaho through Butte.

Then the state gives sanctuary to I-90 in its somewhat catty-cornered quest northeast-southwest between the Idaho panhandle and Wyoming.

And, to round it out, I-94 begins or terminates at I-90 near Lockwood/Billings and runs northeast into North Dakota.

Free Google Earth File

The free Google Earth file for Montana interstate exits is available at: Google Earth Trail FileOffroading Home on the specialty map resource page. Click to arrive at the page and select the Montana map. It is a .kml file that is utilized by Google Earth. You can either save the map on your computer or click "open" to have it open directly inside Google Earth.

Learn A Little More

At his terribly untimely death, John Denver had been working on the music for a television special about the wolves of Yellowstone. It just may have been one of his best songs because the few demo tracks that he sent to the producers prior to the final recording session, as you will see, are terrific.

After the plane crash, the producers put together what they had received and mentioned about it in the special. Here is what could be the last song he ever sung – it certainly is poignant.
John Denver - Coming home - Yellowstone Coming Home

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