It's been a thorn under my blanket for years that when nearly all the trail books I've read tell me to "turn left off interstate exit 253" I have absolutely no way of following along on Google Earth – cause there are no labels! Frankly, often when I zoom in to be able to even see some of the back-country roads, I have absolutely no clue where on the globe I've got to.
So, here is the Arizona map, the eighth in the series. If you open the file in the background when using GE in Arizona, you'll be able to see tiny placemarks at every interstate exit. If you want to know the exit number (etc.) merely hover over it with your mouse and its label will pop up.
Arizona Interstates
For such a non-descript state (no offense guys), Arizona has certainly got its share of the federal highway system. I-40 transects the state between New Mexico and California at about the level of Flagstaff. Then I-17 has its beginning (or end) at Flagstaff and trundles off north-south toward Phoenix where I-10 cuts it off at the knees going rogue.I-10, being of even number, is on the books as being an east-west route; but, you sure couldn't prove it by how it acts in Arizona. It sneaks in from California and spends the majority of it's time heading southward until it reaches Tucson when it finally makes a wobbly course correction into New Mexico.
In Tucson I-19 takes up where poor old I-17 left off and heads off into Mexico. And, to round it out, I-8, almost as an afterthought, comes in the back door from California, heads east and is also cut off by I-10 in its non-expected southward journey.
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