Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Look for an Old Site

Although I kinda liked the look of the "Offroading Home" web site, it's hard to ignore the nagging forever. I've been told that the pages looked sorta… spartan, and needed a bit more… oomph. Enter graphics and color and animation.

Most of you know, I just dabble at web programming. So, for me, it's been a bit daunting but an opportunity to learn something new.

And, it didn't turn out too bad. See the new look for yourself — Offroading Home (version 2). Lots more color and a bit more "offroadsey" look. Whadaya think? Please leave a comment.

For awhile it'll be a work in progress as I make the changes to one page at a time — the re-programming is no small task. However, a good thing is that I've been able to break out some of the many images that I have of the many places we've ridden.

Currently the home page has the Gold Butte Wash Road as a backdrop and images from our rides up Toquop Wash and Flat Top Mesa, north of Mesquite, as callout images.

You don’t have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things – to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated.”
Sir Edmund Hillary

I do have to apologize to any of you who still use Internet Explorer version 6 because not all of the effects (transparent image backgrounds) show up correctly. I am NOT one of those arrogant, adolescent web programmers who have decided to deliberately "bring down IE6" by not even trying to work around the differences. I've actually tried to make it work, but it just won't do the image transitions AND the background correction at the same time.

So, if you really don't have a compelling reason to keep the old ball-and-chain version then now that they've fixed all the problems is a good time to upgrade (for free) to IE version 8. It's faster, safer and best of all — makes a lot of web sites look a lot better! [And, if I were you, I would get the real version not the ones phonied up with special links by Google and others.]

Learn Something New

Do you, like me, spend much time wondering about how Gecko's climb walls? Learn what finding out meant for a new kind of "sticky tape." Robert Full - "from a gecko's tail"


  1. I am posting this for mr Voulkg moslo who sent email after comment section not working
    Nice work! What program are you using to work your web magic? Are you designing your own CSSs or using a templates? It is clear you have done a lot of work especially for someone who just “dabbles in web programming.” In terms of feedback one thing I have noticed is that the main content spills over what I imagine to be the visual space for the main content on widescreen shots of the site. Dang 22 inch monitor!

  2. Mr. Moslo... I do write my own CSS and HTML using a code editor. No templates, but keep my eye open for what I like and then look at their code to see how they did it. For this blog, I simply use blogspot standard template.

    As admin, I have no problem publishing comments. I did notice that I was not accepting anonymous comment posters - I have now turned it on and will try it for awhile.

    However, there IS something wrong with Blogspot - they ARE cutting off the "captcha" letters so they can't be seen. I'll go report it when I get done here.

    Re: web page - you didn't say what browser you are using. Have checked it in both IE6 and Firefox and it looks ok. Tonight I checked it in IE8 - which was SUPPOSED to have fixed the transparency issue on .png files but aparantly hasn't. The page is a "liquid format" and should automatically shrink as you move the screen smaller and larger. So none of the content gets covered up, just narrower. I did notice a problem with vertical placement related to user selected text size. I will go look at what I can do about it, thanks very much for the heads up.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I will, of course, be moderating all comments to make sure (a) they conform to the standards of good taste set forth by Offroading Home; and (b) nope that's pretty much it.