Thursday, August 20, 2009

Map Update: California Trails - South Coast

Like a cave dwelling recluse I've been pouring through California ATV maps and programming code trying to catch up with some of the things I've been putting off for months. [For a free Google Earth file of this state see: California Trails]

There were so many trails in the California areas that I sorta just "worried about the trails" and nothing else in order to get them posted. Now I've been going back and completing all the descriptions and organizing waypoints.

The California Trails: South Coast Region looks really good now with lots of descriptions and a few more hand drawn spur trails that I missed the first time around.

We must not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.”
T. S. Elliot

I spent several years in the Navy stationed around San Diego and rotated to Twenty nine Palms naval base several times. So Joshua Tree National Monument is well known to me, but I'm kicking myself that I didn't see half the things that I now list on my maps.

I even cleaned up the labels and area overlays so everything works now and looks pretty.

Learn A Little More

There has been a war waged on honest work for years. Here, Mike Rowe "tells it like it is." An excellent, short, presentation with a couple of pretty "enlightening" stories which you need to endure but don't miss the end: Celebrating Honest Work

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