Monday, August 31, 2009

Free Topographic Maps - Addition to Offroading Home Files

utah with free topo maps overlayI mentioned it in the last webcast, but for those who haven't seen it yet you need to know about a new addition to all the master maps found over on the Offroading Home web site - FREE TOPO MAPS.

Trundle on over to the web site and select any of the master maps. You will notice that a new file for download has been added to all of the states indexes: "Find A … TOPO map."

If you download and open it in Google Earth you will see that the whole state is laid out in it's USGS 1:24,000 TOPO Quads and you simply choose one to download. That's it.

Two of Murphy's 50 Laws for Combat Operations: #26 There's always a way; #27 The easy way is always mined.”

Also, for convenience, the same quad overlay has been added to every master map. Simply cursor down to the bottom on the left and find the placemark entitled "Get a TOPO Map." Click to turn it on and see the same Quad grid.

The maps are served up by Digital Data Services, a for profit company, but these are completely free.

There is also a file available that covers the entire continental US — every Quad, every state. The link to it is found on the web sites "Resources" page.

Try them out. I hope this makes it a lot easier for you all to obtain the information you need for your trips. Leave a comment about what you think and/or how you used them so others can benefit.

Learn A Little More

For those of you who have seen my last screencast, here is a link to a YouTube video presentation from my webcasting mentor who explains about the Sun Microsystems Heisenberg Compensator - using Turboencabulator technology.

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