Thursday, November 22, 2012
101 Places To Go Things To See In Utah
This is a post about what to do and where to go that is interesting in Utah. It didn't start out that way. I was actually looking for some information about deserts.
I peeked into a site called Desert USA and stumbled upon several lists of places to go – things to see in the desert countries and realized there were a lot of those things in Utah (and the surrounding states of the west); and many of them I have seen.
Actually there were lists of things in a lot of states but, for now, I just limited my search to Utah and found 101 of 'em! (That is if I count correctly)
For your holiday perusal I've sort of cleaned up the list, categorized them a bit and added some links. See how many you've been to and I'm sure you'll add a few to your to-do lists.
Can you add any others to the list? If so, add them in the comment section below.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
GEO-tography: Moon
It's that time of year again when, thanks to our wonderful congress, we get to see the moon rise when we are driving home from work. In fact, depending upon where you live, the dang thing may have already been out for hours.
That got me to thinkin'. I've never done a GEOtography post about the moon. The thing is, for photographers, it's a difficult shot. And once you get all the camera setting down pat, the kind of photographs you can take are a bit limited.
However, the photos you can take come out quite stunning. One does quickly discover however that its just as much about what else is in the photo as it is the moon. In fact that's what gives variety of these things and sets your shot apart from those everyone else has already taken.
That got me to thinkin'. I've never done a GEOtography post about the moon. The thing is, for photographers, it's a difficult shot. And once you get all the camera setting down pat, the kind of photographs you can take are a bit limited.
However, the photos you can take come out quite stunning. One does quickly discover however that its just as much about what else is in the photo as it is the moon. In fact that's what gives variety of these things and sets your shot apart from those everyone else has already taken.