The updated map is located at: Lake Havasu Trail Closure Map and contains all the updated tracking information we have requested from the BLM.
The deadline for submission of public comments that will be counted is OCT 31st - a rare extension granted by the BLM due to extreme public… let's say… "interest." In spite of that, however, there reportedly have been less public comments actually received, of what the BLM calls "substance," than what we would expect.
It's silly and unproductive to plaver on about "extension of deadline," or "how upset you are," or any "non-specific diatribe." The ONLY thing you need to do is STATE A TRAIL NAME, say HOW IT EFFECTS YOU and WHY (being a senior or handicapped helps to state) then REQUEST THEY LEAVE IT OPEN TO VEHICLES! That's it! Asking them ANY other questions will not get you an answer; and referencing any other anger topic could get your letter 'coded' by the staff into a category which doesn't count in keeping a trail open!
People Of Lake Havasu
Listen people interested in riding the Lake Havasu area, we are seeing what we at Offroading Home consider an almost historic confluence of situation and opportunity here which should not be missed! In all our dealing with the BLM's TMPs all over the country, we've never seen them make more usable map content, more readily available to the average rider – ever!In a format which is actually labeled, and one which is actually readily available and one which is easily mentally referenced we are making available, for free, the ENTIRE CLOSURE PLAN with the BLM'S PREFERRED CLOSURES clearly visible! You will EASILY be able to tell which of your favorite trails are destined to be only a reference in your photo album for ever more.
This is extremely important for seniors, who make up the majority of the "riding public" in the winter time. Trails which the "dirt huggers" want to close - NEVER take into consideration the senior, 'retired' or physically challenged community. As far as they are concerned, if you can't hike into them – you don't deserve to be there.
Phenomenally Easy - Just Try It!
COME ON, with all this information I would be surprised if you couldn't do this job from your easy chair – if it was in front of a computer screen. No kidding, just open this file in your Google Earth and see if you can't easily tell exactly which routes (red, blue or orange) are those which you like to ride!• Please look at the blazingly red trail closures which completely surround the "Offroad Area" in the middle of the map. It is obvious that the BLM is tired of offroaders "escaping" the bounds of the area. Could it be that the area being mostly ridden on is liked because it's the only area that is actually elevated with a view?
• And please look at all those ORANGE routes - which are closed to everyone EXCEPT the BLMs own staff and/or "special permit." Make no mistake, for all intents and purposes they are RED to you and I. If it's environmentally sensitive enough to prohibit all of OUR motorized vehicles then it doesn't change for BLM staff vehicles either! If we've got to walk, they should have to walk as well.
You Must Do This - Please!
With this amazing confluence of opportunity and ability - Offroading Home is making an urgent call for anyone who has ever been offroad in the Lake Havasu Area to send in at least ONE COMMENT to the BLM! It should not take you more than 5 minutes, to comment on one trail – honest, I've tried this myself! If you want to comment on more than one trail – it seems like the only way the BLM will give it equal weight is to send in 5 emails about 1 trail each over 1 email about 5 trails. (go figure)I'll tell you how easy it is: Click on either of these two links – Havasu E-mail or Myron McCoy E-mail and your browser should pop up a window with your email opened and address already filled in - (there is a 'blind copy' address to Offroading Home already filled in as well which you can delete if you don't want to share your comment with others.)
Simply: 1)- fill in the subject with the trail number you are commenting on (get it from the map);
2) - Give your name and contact info - your email screen-name isn't enough, and they don't need to consider 'anonymous' comments;
3) - Write a sentence about your last visit or how often you visit, number of people etc.;
4)- Say you are concerned about the intended closure of trail -xxx-, because of -xxx-;
4a)- If you are a senior or handicapped, so state and reference how onerous this will be to you;
5)- Urgently request something specific like "trail xxxx," and that you plead with them to leave it open to offroad vehicles (you can offer: subject to appropriate trail monitoring).
Then hit SEND – That's it! You can easily do that simple procedure for each of the trails you have ridden on which they intend to close, can't you? You've only got SEVEN DAYS to do it in (Sep only has 30 days).
[If you want even more help - there is a form (in Microsoft Word format) or (in Acrobat format) which you just need to click on, open, fill in the blanks then attach into your email - it will have all the fields that the BLM would like you to include; but, they have said that they will accept ALL communications.]
For those of you ex-government worker or ex-military types who realize that a 'paper trail' is what the government runs best on, you can also cut and paste your email into a printed letter and mail to:
Lake Havasu Field Office attn: Havasu Travel Management Plan
2610 Sweetwater Avenue
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406-9071
We know by reader comments on our blog and in the forum that there are literally thousands who have ridden the area and should have a vested interest in what they intend to do down there. Please don't let this opportunity pass - without actually DOING SOMETHING.
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Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I will, of course, be moderating all comments to make sure (a) they conform to the standards of good taste set forth by Offroading Home; and (b) nope that's pretty much it.