Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Utah Trails Master Map - Complete Re-Do

The Utah Trails ATV-SUV master map has undergone almost a complete revision and update.

The graphic interface for the whole file was enhanced, the entire Central Region was re-done almost from scratch and several new trails have been added which complete loops and from submitted trails.

A frequent trail submitter Michael Davidson added four trails near Beaver in Central Utah following a recent trip to the state: Forest Service roads 129, 137 and 147. They all go through beautiful country and to inspiring views. [For a free Google Earth file of this route see: Utah ATV-SUV Trails]

He submitted them on the latest Offroading Home template which prompted me that, being the first map I worked on, the Utah map was the oldest and used the very first style template that I invented. A lot has changed since then, so I made the time to give it a complete face-lift making it compatible with the new trails.

Then, there was the realization that the entire Central Region had somehow fallen off the ol' TO-DO list somewhere back in the haze. Most of the trails were there, but almost none of the descriptions or waypoints had been entered – and that, as they say, has been no small feat to accomplish.

All of the trails have had their waypoints added to them with GPS coordinates. The description boxes are completed with difficulty and scenic ratings as well as all the other parameters. AND, the trails are all "regionalized" now to turn on and off as you navigate close to them.

In fairness, there are some areas that I'd still like to get around to making more accurate and complete in this map.

The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
Ronald Reagan
I still could use some help with the Paiute Trail in order to make it as complete as the Arapeen. Perhaps, one of the good riders down at the Jamboree will take pity on the map and give some help. One can hope!

If you Utah riders need another ride or two in order to make your burgeoning yearly registration tax worth it, take a look at the map using the above link. It's amazing how much there is to see out there.

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