Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Trails: Southwest Colorado

Somewhat like getting hit in the head with a rock, I just got a new book and found that it contained 25 more trails than what it had supplied on disk. That meant a lot of "hand drawing" of track lines and entering of waypoints if I wanted to add it to the master file — which I obviously did. [For a free Google Earth file of this route see: Colorado Trails]

Take a look on over at the web site and navigate to Colorado Trails Southwest Region, and see over 25 new trails and 23 other updated desctiptions, directions and locations.

The descriptions were a bit difficult to prepare, I wanted to saw "pretty much 'more of the same' for each trail; that is, if you can call sheer mountain granduer "the same." Colorado is "cursed" with some of the most beautiful back-country in the US and many SUV/ATV trails ride right through it.

I'm allergic to rocks hitting me in the face.”
Mike Rowe

Of course, many of the trails - because they are map drawn - still need Geo-verification, so we are anxious to recieve GPS tracks and photos from any of you who ride them.

Follow a few of them in the Southwest region on Google Earth and you, like me, will probably want to take your next trip to Colorado. And now (the fall) is an excellent time to take one — many of them close in the winter, unless you have a SNOWMOBILE!

Learn A Little More

Don't ever play cards with this guy - I don't care if he IS a doctor!   Link to TED 'close up' magic performance.

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